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[vdr] Re: vdr: Websites for Beginners??

Join the Channel #Linuxdvb on EFNet. There are several people that could
help you.
But as far as I remember do you need a full-featured DVB-Card to use VDR.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronald Marlowe" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 4:56 PM
Subject: [vdr] vdr: Websites for Beginners??

> Hello.
> This list is probably no place for a Linux beginner to post "how do I
....?" questions, so may I ask if someone could kindly direct me to a few
websites that might help me to get vdr up and running?
> I've only had Linux for a month or so, but I must say I'm already hooked!
> I have discovered a lot of thoughtfully-written and helpful sites giving
advice for vdr users whose boxes are equipped with DVB-s/on-board-decoding
cards, but very little in the way of guidance for those who are using the
terrestrial "budget" cards (here in the UK we are more or less limited to
the Hauppauge Nova-t).
> I have set up a dual-boot system for Windows ME (er, sorry...) and SuSE
8.1 Professional (2.4.19 kernel). Any websites that offer advice for the
Nova-t user, particularly those running SuSE, would, I'm sure, be very
> I have, of course, already extensively "Googled", but the required
knowledge has thus far eluded me.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ron.
> --
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