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[vdr] Re: vdr crashes "buffer 100" or "Data stream broken"

>Yes, it a TX and I knew this 64MB range. But the c't cachemess (memory throughput
>measuring tool) says:
>256 kb extern Cache enabled: average mem throughput is ~80 MB/s
>256 kb extern Cache total disabled: average mem throughput is ~60 MB/s
>So I didn't thought it makes any big difference, as far as other people use a P133.
>And if I use 224 MB at least 64 MB are always cached.
Thats right, but only the first 64 MB will be cashed and most time thats 
not the range which is currently being used.
For example Windows NT loads all nis system DLL's in th upper memory 
block. So this is never cached and that includes the routines for file 
IO etc.
So you should never use more memory than your board will cache !


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