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[vdr] Re: vdr crashes "buffer 100" or "Data stream broken"

Richard Scobie wrote:

> Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

> > Maybe your box is too slow for two concurrent recordings?
> > What does 'top' say? Are there any other tasks running with high CPU
> > usage?

No, it should not. I know of people, doing the same thing with a P133.

_BUT_: now (remember Richards tip below!) I have a cpu load of 0.70 0.60 0.40
The last time the load grew up to 4.0 2.0 1.5 and the the vdr crashed

> I may be way out of line, but what chipset is on the motherboard? If it
> is an Intel TX, it will not cache more than 64MB of RAM.

Yes, it a TX and I knew this 64MB range. But the c't cachemess (memory throughput
measuring tool) says:
256 kb extern Cache enabled: average mem throughput is ~80 MB/s
256 kb extern Cache total disabled: average mem throughput is ~60 MB/s
So I didn't thought it makes any big difference, as far as other people use a P133.
And if I use 224 MB at least 64 MB are always cached.

> Running more will definitely slow things down.

Yes, it does: as described above: up to 4 times more, starting from a normal value
growing up in 1 or 2 minutes and then: <crash>

Now I downgraded to 64 MB and it runs stable for 2 hours with 2 concurrent recordings. A
test with 64 MB and external cache _disabled_ gave me the same crash behavior after 1
So its definitely the caching!! And I need definitely another mainboard *shrug*
64 MB is enough for the vdr + DSL router + remote control. But I need X and VMware for 2
Windows programs. So 192 MB should be the minimum. CPU was not the problem. The Windows
programs are most of the time idle and only watching some values on the net.

So, are there any old and cheap mainboards and chaplets supporting P233 and up to 256 MB
Or should I invest more money (one idea of the vdr and DSL was "take this old useless PC
and give it a duty!")?
What are the next hardware "steps" if I want more modules integrated in the vdr and what
would it cost (mainboard, cpu+cooler, RAM), second hand, friendship price?
- DVD playing (DVD player is not included yet)
- mpg / svcd playing *gd&r*


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