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[vdr] Re: Autostart (keyboard use only)

>@ Sschmidt,
>Okay I understand the risk , but the question is: even if i start it
>automagically from tty4, and I go to tty4 with alt+f4  where do I control
>the stuff if I only have the keyboard to play with ???

Hmm, maybe at first you should read Klaus excellent readme. This will help you and us to help you. :-)
Most questions are already answered. Also the question how to controll vdr with keyboard.

Please understand that this list is not for teaching beginners with linux.
It's really possible that you don't understand the script. Maybe you should say at frst which script you are using.
Maybe i have overseen something but it's really easy to learn bash scripting and even easier to teach some unskilled people how and why the script is doing this this way. ;-)

I have the strong feeling that you are thinking that VDR is a OneButtonTouchReadyMadeSystem. That's not true. It's a work in progress and believe me it's nearly impossible for linux unskilled people to build a vdr system. If you need a ready made system you should by a nokia harddiskrecorder or so. If you like to use vdr you should go the long way through linux to vdr.
Excuse me.

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