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[vdr] Autostart (keyboard use only)

Hi All,

>@ Sschmidt,
>Okay I understand the risk , but the question is: even if i start it
>automagically from tty4, and I go to tty4 with alt+f4  where do I control
>the stuff if I only have the keyboard to play with ???

Hmm, maybe at first you should read Klaus excellent readme. This will help
you and us to help you. :-)
Most questions are already answered. Also the question how to controll vdr
with keyboard.

@@ it has already been read, several times, I can control my vdr 1.0.4. from
the keyboard perfectly, my question was not ''what r the keys to control
VDR'' in any case I can always delete the key-pc.conf and restart
automagicallly through  the learn procedure :)  :) ) , my question was '' if
I start VDR through the inittab or rc.local either by a vdr/respawn or by a
direct command (cd/.../runvdr) will I be able to control it through the
keyboard even if I'm not logged in' (it seems that it is possible) but Im
still wondering :
1/ how come it doesnot work with my solution
2/ more generally, if u r not loged in a OS this one should not accept input
from the keyboard ??? there is a lil trick I dont understand !!! does it
happen or not, in this case???

Please understand that this list is not for teaching beginners with linux.
@@ hmmmm, that is clear now :(( however....... I had a dream , where
begginers and veterans will live together in perfect harmony, trying to make
the global knowledge level going higher ......
okay, I not goin to ask u to teach me linux, I m already doing  my 3 hours
self understanding every day, even started to learn c++...(even if i m not
computer guy... u see in the everyday life  i'm C.PA.)  so what I m here for
is just to get hints and other things like that a save a lil bit of time.
basically what I was asking for : is it possible to have the the already
gathered  info fom a source or another to make a procedure and a knowledge
base  that can help others (can I include myself with the others ?) by the
way I came to linux because of VDR about two months ago

It's really possible that you don't understand the script. Maybe you should
say at frst which script you are using.
@@ concerning the install script, it is this peanut script called
concerning the runvdr script it is the one that is included in the package,
I assume it is the same script for everybody, loads drivers from a parallel
directory to VDR and run vdr   ...a.s.o.

Maybe i have overseen something but it's really easy to learn bash scripting
and even easier to teach some unskilled people how and why the script is
doing this this way. ;-)
@@thatis  why I am asking for as well, normally I understand the main
concepts used by the script, what I m not familiar with is all the options
that can be set up for each commands, the syntaxical principles of passing
variables to other scripts/commands,

I have the strong feeling that you are thinking that VDR is a
OneButtonTouchReadyMadeSystem. That's not true. It's a work in progress and
believe me it's nearly impossible for linux unskilled people to build a vdr
system. If you need a ready made system you should by a nokia
@@nokia harddisk recorders are so expensive here in morocco considering the
average wages so don't even talk about it
or so. If you like to use vdr you should go the long way through linux to
@@ Concerning u r stong feelings, I  would like to be accurate, I have ten
fingers (twenty if count my feet) so I am prepared to use each of them  more
than once ;-) VDR is not a OneButtonTouchReadyMadeSystem. but can become one
(fo the use of girl/boy friend, wife, parents, pets...etc), conerning the
unskilled side of the moon, I managed, even if the script had lots of
problems to build an perfectly operating 1.0.4, but again what I m here for,
is to improve my vdr , try to implement last versions and why not day
contribute to its development... base down like this , it is made by human
being , I not a monkey so what ?

Excuse me.
@@U R completely excused my Dear , please consider mine, it is me that is
bothering u .....  by the way I gonna surch for some scripting howto to
avoid any further irrelevant queries

A sunny and ''smoky'' Hello from casablanca, Morocco

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