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[vdr] Re: Autostart (keyboard use only)

----- Original Message -----
From: "domolink morocco" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 11:45 AM
Subject: [vdr] Autostart (keyboard use only)

> Hi All,
> >@ Sschmidt,
> >
> >Okay I understand the risk , but the question is: even if i start it
> >automagically from tty4, and I go to tty4 with alt+f4  where do I control
> >the stuff if I only have the keyboard to play with ???
> Hmm, maybe at first you should read Klaus excellent readme. This will help
> you and us to help you. :-)
> Most questions are already answered. Also the question how to controll vdr
> with keyboard.
> @@ it has already been read, several times, I can control my vdr 1.0.4.
> the keyboard perfectly, my question was not ''what r the keys to control
> VDR'' in any case I can always delete the key-pc.conf and restart
> automagicallly through  the learn procedure :)  :) ) , my question was ''
> I start VDR through the inittab or rc.local either by a vdr/respawn or by
> direct command (cd/.../runvdr) will I be able to control it through the
> keyboard even if I'm not logged in'


(it seems that it is possible) but Im
> still wondering :
> 1/ how come it doesnot work with my solution
> 2/ more generally, if u r not loged in a OS this one should not accept
> from the keyboard ??? there is a lil trick I dont understand !!! does it
> happen or not, in this case???

Any process started from /etc/inittab runs as root!

Here's my solution:

I've uncommented "1:235:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty1" in /etc/inittab

(Use tty1 as it is selected automatically at startup)

1:235:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty1 --> #1:235:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty1

You can still switch to the other ttys by ALT-Fx to handle your OS !!!

Then put the following line into /etc/inittab

vdr:3:respawn:/PATH2VDRDIRECTORY/runvdr --terminal=/dev/tty1

Edit /PATH2VDRDIRECTORY/runvdr and set absolute paths to DVB-driver, etc.


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