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[vdr] CPU load depending on polarization


I'm running VDR 1.0.4 on a system with 2 revision 1.3 cards (connected
to one SAT cable via loop-through). Depending on the polarization of the
channel I'm currently watching I see a significant difference in CPU
load. Watching 'v' channels doesn't load the CPU at all, as soon as I
change to a 'h' channel load goes up to around 0.3 (on a P200, btw).
This wouldn't be a problem but I get vdr emergency restarts because of
full buffers when I try to record two 'h' channels simultaneously. 
Kernel: 2.4.18
dvb: 0.9.4-2002-05-20
vdr: vanilla 1.0.4 (I'm actually using it with LNB sharing patch but I
get the same results with no patches at all)

Any ideas?


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