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[vdr] A/V synchronisation


I do now use vdr (1.0.4) for some time and have the following problem:
I use a video beamer as display and an separate amp for the sound. 
Unfortunately sound and video are always out of sync (the beamer delays the
picture for 
app.. 240 ms). I would like to have a function to patch the pts value of the
sound packets with an offset (configurable). Of course this would work only
in transfer and playback mode.
It would be even better if this offset could be set in the firmware, but I
assume that the 
current firmware does not support this. Also I assume that there may be
limitations for the 
offset as the sound needs to be buffered if it is done in the firmware.

Don't get me wrong, I do not ask for an implementation (I can do that by
but I would like to discuss the issue a bit before doing so. So is there
anybody out that may 
have an opinion an that.


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