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[vdr] Re: Changing Plugin's Menu Entry

At Thursday 24 October 2002 09:16 Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> The string is newly fetched every time the main menu is opened.
> So if you return a different string you should get a different main
> menu entry. But please note that this only applies if the main menu
> is *closed* and *reopened*!

Sorry I didn't realize - it works. Maybe I'll be releasing a first beta 
this weekend. 

That the menu must be reopened seems no problem to me as it's closed 
when NULL is returned from MainMenuAction()

It only supports unicast/tcp sockets for now as my dsl connection breaks
down if I start a multicast (dsl is connected to my hub ;(  ). If I 
implement multicasting, I'd be happy if anyone can test it, because I 
can't currently. Especially the windows client side ;))

Sascha Volkenandt

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