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[vdr] Re: Another question about plugins... ChannelSwitch() method

Sascha Volkenandt wrote:
> Hello everyone...
> I want to implement two streaming methods into the streaming plugin... one
> is, that a fixed channel is streamed and VDR doesn't change the transponder
> (like while recording) and the second is, that the stream follows the channel
> movements.
> I've already asked some questions about the first one, but since I've
> encountered some trouble with the second one as well, I'd like to ask another
> question now.
> Is there any way to get to know of a channel switch before any channel
> switching methods are called? My experience is, that VDR already decides
> to skip two channels before cStatus::ChannelSwitch() is called and I can
> disable the Receiver so VDR knows NOT to skip those channels. When the
> channel is selected directly, ChannelSwitch() is not called at all.
> Klaus?

If you want VDR to be able to switch to a certain channel on a card that
currently has a cReceiver attached to it (which is receiving a different
channel, possibly on a different transponder) you need to give that
receiver a "priority" of 0. Any receiver with a priority higher than 0
will block switching channels on that card.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
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