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[vdr] Re: Receiver stops while channel switching

Sascha Volkenandt wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> in my plugin, the receiver object stops getting Receive() calls directly
> after I switch channels. VDR skips channels on a different transponder,
> it doesn't deactivate or delete the receiver object, but the Receive()-calls
> stop. Can anyone explain why?
> I've looked into recorder.c but I didn't find any protections against that
> there. Currently I'm looking through the device.c and dvbdevice.c files if
> I can find anything, but if any of you knows...
> The receiver is using almost the same techniques as used in recorder.c

You should Detach() your receiver when VDR signals a cStatus::ChannelSwitch()
with channel number 0, and re-attach it after the channel has been switched.


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