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[vdr] Crippled EPG on ZDF

I was trying to find out why the "extended description" on the ZDF's EPG
often ends in the middle of a sentence, as in 

Gemeinsam mit seinen Freunden Willi (Gerold Wanke), Oskar (Peter Garden) und Jupp 
übt Peter (Peter Alexander) für einen anstehenden Jazzwettbewerb. Sein Onkel 
(Josef Egger) ist von den musikalischen Vorlieben seines Neffen nich

but I couldn't find anything obvious. Since this doesn't happen on other channels
(like the Premiere channels, for instance) it would be nice if somebody with a
commercial set-top-box could check whether this also happens there. If so, the
problem is apparently with the ZDF EPG generation (once again...).


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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