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[vdr] Re: vdr2divx problem

Hi again!

Am Sonntag, 24. November 2002 14:36 schrieben Sie:
> Mhh,
> seems as if the format of the actual recording (001.vdr) has changed
> between 1.0.4 and 1.1.16 ?
> However i cannot tell since i still use 1.0.4 :-/
Klaus, can you tell us something about this point? Is mplayer responsible for 
this problem (if so, I would post it to the mplayer mailinglist).

> You might try the following: Change the line 308 and 309 in vdr2divx which
> does the actual encoding from
> $CATSTR | nice -n 10 $ENCEXE [...]
> to
> nice -n 10 $ENCEXE $ENCSRC [...]

Ok, this works...

> Then only the first video file (001.vdr) will be processed, but you can see
> if this is a demuxing problem with mencoder caused by different format of
> the 001.vdr file !
> You can use this method as a temporary workaround, however if doubt that it
> is that useful since one .vdr file can only be a maximum of 2GB in size :-/

> btw.: Could you publish your patch in the ML, or send it to me !?

You find the diff in the attachment... (just changed -npp [...] to -vop 


-- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Listar --
-- Type: text/x-diff
-- File: patch.diff

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