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[vdr] Re: vdr2divx problem

Okay, then it seems that the recording format indeed does differ :-/

Any idea how we can figure out what's the difference ? 


> > Mhh, how can we dig this out !?
> >
> > @Gerald: Did you use cutted VDR recordings or fresh (uncutted) recordings
> > !? I remember the discussion a few months (?) ago - and it turned out to
> > only appear with uncutted recordings - however with 1.0.4 (at least here)
> > i never had this problem, neither cutted nor uncutted ! Could you please
> > report !?
> Both versions (the cutted and the uncutted) cannot be encoded, if using vdr
> 1.1.16. If using 1.0.4 however, no problems exists! Finally if use your
> suggested workaround, encoding of records made by vdr 1.1.6 is possible (of
> course for only one vdr file).
> cu,
> Gerald.

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