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[vdr] Re: vdr, dxr3, nova-t, no video out, etc.

On Mon, 2 Dec 2002 11:21:50 +0000
Rev Simon Rumble <> wrote:

> On Mon 02 Dec, Thomas Keil bloviated thus:
> > Hmm, I have the feeling this whole topic is something for the
> > FAQ-Section for Udo's ;-)
> You mean this FAQ section?
Yes, exactly :-)

Guess I wasn't really up2date there (shame on me).

But the question if you absolutely need full feature/dxr3 is not answered...

Thing is: I wonder why this is like this.
AFAIK (correct me where I'm wrong) the DVB-Card get's a stream from the satellite, and a fully featured card can decode this stream and put it out to something a TV can understand - this a thing implemented on the hardware. Both types of cards (full/cheapo) are able to manipulate this stream (OSD and stuff) and dump it onto the harddisk, and VDR controls this.

How exactly do all these hardware/software components play together then?


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