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[vdr] Re: Get CAM/CI working

Hello Nils,

>> I don't know much about the different CAMs, but my red viaccess seams
>> to work just fine under vdr, latest version and driver. Granted, I
>> have not run it more than a couple of hours, but, it definitely works.
>> I think there are different versions of the redline CAM's, some that
>> are more compatible than others.

NOF> It might be, 
NOF> but i think its the 3.5" CI-module thats not supported..

Ah, but I have the 3.5" CI, with a DVB-C 2.1 and red VIAccess CAM ..
and it works just fine. With goldcard as well. (Actually, it only
works this good with VDR, never got it to work as well using different
windows programs).

NOF> ..i would guess i could see something in the logs if it was recognized
NOF> by the driver?

I have not seen the CI/CAM mentioned in my logs either.


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