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[vdr] Re: EPIA-M MPEG2 with VDR?

On Tuesday 24 December 2002 12:55 am, you wrote:
> Gavin Hamill <> wrote:
> > So we'd be providing an XFree86-like interface to the provided binary
> Maybe not. I would think the libmpeg isn't XF86 specific.

Nope, but my guess is that libmpeg doesn't actually do anything useful - just 
talks to the Xv driver, which in turn talks to the hardware.. So we'd still 
need to provide an X-like environment to the Xv driver :)

It's just such a terrible arse-about-face way of getting something to work... 
Plus then we still end up using a driver of unknown quality, and no doubt 
there'll be 'issues' of jumpy playback / random freezes which we can't track 
down since we don't have the source =(

> > I'm curious as to how you elicited such a relatively detailed response -
> > most
> I just asked :-))

Maybe they trusted you because of your new haircut ;)

> Yes. Maybe it's not as bad as it looks.

I guess - we could be asking Microsoft to fix things, etc. (ha!)


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