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[vdr] Re: Can't record Sat.1

At 22:26 21/05/2003, you wrote:
I don't know yet what triggers the problem,
...the bitrate of the stream at the time ;)?

 but when it happend last (I
think around midnight of 18/19 may) I managed again to make things work by
doing the following:

The bad channel in that case was Pro7. I switched to RTL and started to
record it. I then switched to WDR3 and started to record it. After that, I
switched again to Pro7 and the problem was gone. Stopping the still running
recording on WDR3 didn't harm then. As all this has absolutely no influence
on my DECT phone and this "starting two recordings and stopping them again"
procedure fixed the problem at least three times now, I don't think it is
DECT related.
Yes, starting and stopping or replaying recordings seems to send some kind of reset to the av7110 which usually makes it more likely for stuff to work :).

When I saw the problem for the first time, I couldn't see Pro7 at all (black
screen) and VDR did not record anything! What confuses me is that the tech
patch showed bit errors when the problem happened.
Well that is indeed strange but then I don't know how the tech patch works. Maybe if it doesn't see any new data in the ringbuffer it's like "bad reception". I would personally only rely on values dvbtune -m outputs. Other than that this looks like the "blank screen" issue. You might want to read the other thread about it.

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