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[vdr] Re: Drop support for multiple video dirs? [was: FeatureRequest]

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

So here's my proposal: if nobody objects I'd like to
drop the support for multiple /video directories in
version 1.3. If necessary I can provide a script that
converts an existing linked /video0, /video1,... structure
into a plain directory structure.

Any comments?
I expect some problems with my system in that case because I have a mini-system which fits in an 16 mb initrd ramdisc.
This make it possible to get boot-times of 10 seconds after BIOS. :-)

My video0-dir is somewhere in the ramdisk with less then 1 MB free.
After booting a script is searching and nfs-mounting all my harddiscs and creates video1, video2, etc. It looks like this:

/mnt/video0 -> /disc0/video (100 GB free)
/mnt/video1 -> /disc1/video (XXX GB free)
/mnt/video2 -> /disc1/video (YYY GB free)

Right now vdr handle this very fine.

With your change I'll expect the following situation:

/mnt/video ( 1 MB free)
+--- video0 (100 GB free)
+--- video1 (XXX GB free)
+--- video2 (YYY GB free)

Do you think, that vdr can handle this? The video-root seams to be full.


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