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[vdr] Re: system freeze when using overlay!?

Hi Manuel,

maybe I have the same problem.

For me it also appears with tuxview in overlay mode, xawtv and even fbtv.
It appears on I/O like updatedb from locate and changes
the filesystem even when not writing to files.

When the system freezes, the HD-led burns.

For me it changed files like /bin/uname beeing a device afterwards
and also the journaling filesystems doesn't help.
(The system thinks, after replaying the journal everything is fine,
but you should force a real check)

I have the problem minimum since kernel 2.4.18 and xfree 4.2

Maybe you also have a Matrox gfx-card?



Manuel Hartl wrote:

this is not vdr specific (i think..) but maybe someone can help me.

i got complete system freezes when using kvdr (overlay mode) and a file transfer !

watching tv (live) with kvdr and copying a file from one drive to another with midnight commander. after ca. 130mb the system freezes.

for another test i watched tv in grabbing mode (kvdr 'v') and copied the worked.
at 60% of the copy process i press 'v' to switch to the overlay mode ...1-2 seconds later: system freeze....

mobo: asus a7v600 (via kt600) .... (maybe i shouldn´t have bought the freshest chipset on the market...
linux kernel: 2.4.22 / using APIC

has someone an idea??

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