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[vdr] ANNOUNCE: mailbox plugin 0.1.0 for IMAP/POP3 accounts

Hi all,

this is my first mail to the list so first of all I want to thank Klaus
Schmidinger for his incredible work on VDR, the plugin-developers, all
the testers, providers of patches, the developers of the DVB-drivers and
everyone else I may have forgotten.

As a regular user of vdr since almost two years it's time to contribute

From the README:

"mailbox" is a mail reader plugin for the Video Disk Recorder (VDR) of
Klaus Schmidinger.

The intended purpose of this plugin is to access multiple IMAP mail
accounts and to read the mails on the OSD of VDR.

To access the mailboxes this plugin uses the c-client-library from the
IMAP server from Mark Crispin at the University of Washington (UW IMAP).

Since c-client-library supports also POP3 this plugin is also able to
access POP3 mail accounts. But as the POP3 protocol is less powerful
than IMAP, some of the features are not available with POP3 mailboxes.

The plugin supports the following features:

- Access to multiple mail accounts with either IMAP or POP3.
- 'mailbox view' to display a list of all mail accounts with the number
  of new and the total number of mails for every mail account.
  (For POP3 accounts all mails are displayed as new.)
- 'mail list view' to display a list of all mails in a mailbox with
  subject, sender and state/flags of every mail.
- 'mail view' to display one single mail with subject, sender, date,
  flags and mail text.
- Mails encoded in 'quoted-printable' are displayed correctly (tested
  at least with german umlauts).
- IMAP/POP3: when displaying a multipart mail, only parts with content-
  type text are displayed.
- IMAP: when displaying multipart mails, only parts with content-type
  text are fetched.
- IMAP: when a mail is displayed in the 'mail view', the \Seen flag
  for this mail is set automatically (configurable).
- Jump to next/previous new (not \Seen) mail in the 'mail list view'
  and in the 'mail view'.
- IMAP/POP3: set \Deleted flag for mails in the "mail list view" and
  the "mail view".
- Expunge mails with the \Deleted flag set when a mailbox is closed

The actual version of the plugin can be obtained from:


Here are some screenshots to show what you will get:


The plugin was developed with several combinations of vdr-1.2.6,
with and without ElchiAIO3c, output modules DVB/DXR3/xine/xinelibout,
c-client from source and from binary packages (see README) on PCs
with SuSE 8.1/8.2 and Debian 3.0.

Of course as this is the first version of the plugin, there may be
some difficulties during the installation of the plugin - most probably
if you use another distribution.

If someone

- uses the plugin in another environment (imap-server, linux-
  distribution, compiler, etc.) than the ones described in the
- encounters compiling / execution problems
- has suggestions, bug-reports or even fixes
- has internationalizations
- etc.

please write a mail to <alex at>

Have fun,

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