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[vdr] Re: Siemens dvb-c and HTV - Same with Turku cable

On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Marko Kenttälä wrote:

> On Fri, 5 Dec 2003, Marko Myllymaa wrote:
> > I'm having problems with Siemens DVB-C card and HTV network in Helsinki.
> > To be more precise, I have problems with channels that uses QAM128.
> >
> > I'm using vdr-1.2.6 and I've tried DVB driver from Klaus's web site and
> > also todays (5.12.2003) cvs.
> >
> > Cvs is a bit better but there's still quite alot errors in the picture.
> >
> > What can I do to make it work?
> Same here, so I switched back to the second latest DVB driver on Klaus's
> ftp site in the Developer directory. It seems to work just fine. I made a
> quick diff between the drivers and it seems only the firmware has changed
> and it has broken QAM128 support on Siemens cards. I haven't yet tested
> newer releases.

Got my Siemens DVB-C card few days before Turku Cable switched to QAM 128
from QAM 64. Everything seemed to be ok after that, but after I watched
-C channels for awhile I noticed that the reception had LOTS more errors.
Picture quality before that was excellent.

Shortly after this I got my barebone PC and reinstalled everything, to
latest and greatest at the same time. After that my Siemens card has been
unusable. Yesterday managed to get it to work for few minutes with older
driver, but after few minutes, it looses it.

Can't really test anything but QAM 128 and frequencies 154M and 162M,
anything else above those are encrypted.


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