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[vdr] Re: [OT] stream distortions

Steffen Barszus wrote:

Am Sonntag, 28. Dezember 2003 18:24 schrieb Dominique Simon:

Am 28.12.2003 um 17:26 schrieb Steffen Barszus:

However, i have on SAT1 and PRO7 sevral distortions. Is there a way
to find out if it is the cable or the LNB ? Or are there known
driver problems that coud cause this ? could the card be defect ? I

Do you have a cordless phone? If yes, turn it off (including base
station!) and check if the distortions are gone.


Nothing has changed really. No difference between off and on of the cordless phone. Hmmm the distortions are gone now. Nothing really changed..... Will see if i will see them again (I hope not) really mysterious


Pherhaps, your neighbor was using a cordless telephone while you where expiering this problem.
Most DECT Telephones produce stream distortions on digital SAT1 and PRO7 channels.


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