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[vdr] Re: [OT] stream distortions


I have on several channels stream distortions. I have today adjusted the dish and the distortions are a lot lesser now. I have used a signal strength monitor and the dish is adjusted now as good as it can be. However, i have on SAT1 and PRO7 sevral distortions. Is there a way to find out if it is the cable or the LNB ? Or are there known driver problems that coud cause this ? could the card be defect ? I haven't seen the distortions with a skystar 2 as receiver and the fujitsu siemens as display card. Or is the skystar2 just not that sensitive ?

Any advices are welcome
I had also problems with distortions. Mainly on KiKa.

Now with cooling my DVBs 1.3 everything looks fine.


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