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[vdr] Re: DVB drivers in 2.6 kernel, VDR 1.3.8 and TT DVB-C 2.1?

Am Dienstag, 1. Juni 2004 23:25 schrieb hagrid:
> After just using VDR for half a year (if it works, don't fix it)
> I now wish to get this thing running on my new machine.
> This one has Mandrake 10.0 community with 2.6.3-4 kernel.
> I notice the kernel has already DVB drivers as modules, so
> I guess my TT DVB-C 2.1 should be supported without compiling
> new DVB drivers. Right? Wrong:
> [root@cs78174054 VDR]# ./vdr
> vdr: no primary device found - using first device!

You need to download the firmware i guess and place it somewhere in the 
hotplug directory. Have a look at, there you should find the 
firmware and too the description where to place it

I hope the included drivers are working would be another thing you don't need 
to care about ;) 



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