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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] vdr-wapd-0.0.1 pre-release

On Thu, 3 Jun 2004, Thomas Heiligenmann wrote:

>On Thu, 3 Jun 2004, Jan Ekholm wrote:
>> On Thu, 3 Jun 2004, Jan Ekholm wrote:
>> >Ok. It's actually quite simple, but I can't really test it, my phone
>> >refuses stubbornly to work with anything that uses security. It just
>> >whines that "Secure connection not available" and stops loading the page.
>> >It should be just a matter of sending an initial header to the client and
>> >request Authorization info and then verify that info in the new request.
>It's cheaper to test with a local browser ;-)
>WML is supported eg. by Opera directly. Or you just google for "wml
>browser". Klondike ( runs fine under wine.

Heh, this is of course true. But browsers are less sensitive to the exact
data than phones. For instance the authorization worked nicely with
Konqueror but my phone barfed badly.

>> Uh, my mistake. The phone just wanted a more complete header. Now it asks
>> for a username and password as a response to the challenge by the plugin.
>> What is a bigger problem is to encode the username and password (maybe as
>> given in the Setup menu?) into base64. They should be combined like this:
>> 	username:password
>> into one single string and then encoded. That's what the phone will send
>> as a response. Anyone have any links to a simple base64 implementation?
>> I've looked for one in the past, and I haven't found one. Writing one
>> isn't really that interesting. :)
>mini_httpd available at has authorization implemented.
>I've already taken some other ideas from this code...

It has a nice decoding function. The Perl module that was suggested
earlier also has one, but it's full of C Perl code and not so easy to use.
I'll ask the author if I can borrow the function.

Btw, another little improvement, I can come up with a patch later if you
think it's a good idea. The initial menu doesn't have to be a table, it
could just as well be a simple <br/> separated list of the items. The
frame around the items looks a bit out of place. Using your macros this
should be a simple change.

           "Right, you bastards, you're... you're geography"
                                         -- Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!

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