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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] {Release Candiate} Image Plugin 0.0.9

Am Samstag, 5. Juni 2004 22:59 schrieb Andreas Brachold:
> Am Sa, den 05.06.2004 schrieb Thorsten Schnebeck um 22:46:
> > Am Samstag, 5. Juni 2004 16:45 schrieb Andreas Brachold:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > her is release candiate of the image plugin availably.
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > plugin does not seems to work on folder with an space character in the
> > folder name.
> Have a example for me ? How can I reproduce this.
> On which place have you this effect. (Which VDR Version)
> I havn't until yet any problems with space characters in file and
> foldernames. Files similar "/video/xx xx/image (copy).jpg" works here...
> Many way goes to Rom,
I'm still tying to install the plugin:

convert_init: /usr/local/bin/ 05.06.04-23:25:45 startet ...
convert_init: CALLED 
'/usr/local/bin/ /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg /tmp/image'
IMAGEFILE: /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg
CONVERT_MPEGFILE: /tmp/image//video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg.mpg
getpnmtool: Image file type image/jpeg detected 
for /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg
getpnmtool: using jpegtopnm -quiet to 
convert /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg
getpnmtool: Image file type image/jpeg detected 
for /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg
getpnmtool: using jpegtopnm -quiet to 
convert /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg
don't Flip Image
X-RES: 3675 | Y-RES: 2405
getpnmtool: Image file type image/jpeg detected 
for /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg
getpnmtool: using jpegtopnm -quiet to 
convert /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg
convert_imagetompeg: converting /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg 
to /tmp/image//video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg.mpg
convert_imagetompeg: TO_PNM: jpegtopnm -quiet
convert_imagetompeg: FLIP:   cat
convert_imagetompeg: ASPECT: 16:9
usage:  pnmcomp [-invert] [-xoff N] [-yoff N] [-alpha file] overlay [image] 
ppmntsc: EOF / read error reading magic number
**ERROR: [ppmtoy4m] Failed to read first frame.
**ERROR: [mpeg2enc] Could not read YUV4MPEG2 header: system error (failed 
pnmscale: Scaling by 0.238912 horizontally to 878 columns.
pnmscale: Scaling by 0.239085 vertically to 575 rows.
pnmscale: 0.000000 of right column stretched due to arithmetic imprecision
05.06.04-23:25:45: ERROR Convert Image-to-MPEG2-STILL not successful 
for: /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg
Close Called

When I run in a shell:

# /usr/local/bin/ /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg /tmp/image

convert_init: /usr/local/bin/ 05.06.04-23:32:06 startet ...
convert_init: CALLED 
'/usr/local/bin/ /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg /tmp/image'
IMAGEFILE: /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg
CONVERT_MPEGFILE: /tmp/image//video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg.mpg
getpnmtool: Image file type image/jpeg detected 
for /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg
getpnmtool: using jpegtopnm -quiet to 
convert /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg
getpnmtool: Image file type image/jpeg detected 
for /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg
getpnmtool: using jpegtopnm -quiet to 
convert /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg
don't Flip Image
X-RES: 3675 | Y-RES: 2405
getpnmtool: Image file type image/jpeg detected 
for /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg
getpnmtool: using jpegtopnm -quiet to 
convert /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg
convert_imagetompeg: converting /video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg 
to /tmp/image//video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg.mpg
convert_imagetompeg: TO_PNM: jpegtopnm -quiet
convert_imagetompeg: FLIP:   cat
convert_imagetompeg: ASPECT: 4:3
pnmscale: Scaling by 0.190748 horizontally to 701 columns.
pnmscale: Scaling by 0.190852 vertically to 459 rows.
pnmscale: 0.000000 of right column stretched due to arithmetic imprecision
05.06.04-23:32:06: successfull ...
doing the copy to /tmp/image/image.mpg 
from /tmp/image//video/bilder/Dia/001/crop0003.jpg.mpg

I like stuff like this :-( First I thought that it has something to do with 
the dir name having a space in it. So I renamed "Sammlung 001" to "001" but 
it this was _not_ the problem. :-( During the tests in a shell I did not 
quote the dir name and it produced a wrong folder in /tmp/image. 

So, I keep on testing...



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