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[vdr] Re: Looking for new maintainer: mplayercluster

On Sunday 06 June 2004 17:30, Sascha Volkenandt wrote:
> Hi list,
> since I currently don't have the time (and motivation) to work on
> mplayercluster, but since I regularly get requests to update it to current
> VDR-Versions, I'm hereby looking for a new official maintainer to the
> mplayercluster plugin.
> Original URL:
> If anyone is interested, contact me on the list or in private.
> @Stefan Huelswitt: Maybe (but maybe not *g*) it may even be interesting to
> incorporate the clustercode into the original mplayer plugin?
> Another idea I had is to rewrite so it does the network stuff
> without needing a special plugin.
> If anyone would like to work in any of those directions, please coordinate
> here :-)
> Greetings,
> Sascha

Hi Sascha,

there is indeed a (unofficial) successor to your clusterplugin. Everybody who 
is interested in a working 'clusterplugin' might have a look at
The work is done by Patrick Cernko. He follows a slightly different approach. 
therefore no extra plugin is needed on the client (if i remember correctly). 
You simply use the default mplayer plugin which then calls the transcoding 
programs. Moreover, on the server part, you can now take use of the great script.
I hope he will respond to this thread by himself, as it is not to me to decide 
who will take over maintenance of the cluster plugin. But I think he will be 
happy to see people using his code. :)
His recodertools really work awesomely well and it is independently of VDR 
versions as it is not a usual plugin. So give it a try!


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