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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] vdr-femon-0.1.3 & 0.0.6

"" wrote:
> Hi Rolf,
> Thanks to Sascha I found your AIO-Patch for vdr 1.3.10 :))
> vdr-1.3.10-enAIO-1.2.diff.gz
> I was very happy, but i'm still missing one feature, that makes my VDR more
> user-friendly, so i want to ask you, if you could put that into the
> AIO-Patch (Sorry when I'm bothering you)
> When I'm watching a recording, the menue-entry "Stop Recording" appears at
> the end of menue-list, with Elchi it was placed (with no number to select)
> on the most upper part of that menue followed by the "Stop cutting" if one
> is running. Now i have to press 3 Buttons to stop viewing a recording in
> comparison to 2 Buttons with my beloved style.
> Is that possible for you to implement ??

I never understood why anybody would want these menu entries to be at the
top of the menu, because then when you press "Menu-Ok" you can never be sure
what happens, while with the default setup you always know that the "Schedule"
menu will come up. That's why this will never go into the official VDR.

If you want to stop a recording with as few button presses as possible, just
press the Blue button.


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