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[vdr] Re: streamdev-0.3.1 , server responds but no video

Am Dienstag, 15. Juni 2004 19:13 schrieb Luca Olivetti:
> Steffen Barszus wrote:
> > Hi !
> >
> > I have installed yesterday the streamdev plugin
> >
> > No matter what i try i get only:
> >
> > .....
> > Playing
> > Resolving for AF_INET6...
> > Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6:
> > Connecting to server[]:3000 ...
> > Cache size set to 8192 KBytes
> > Connected to server:
> > Cache fill:  0,00% (0 bytes)
> This happens to me when the channel is encrypted, otherwise it works
> fine (with mplayer & ps or xine &ts).
> Now, the streamdev server/client is not very stable (from time to time
> the server tells that it is rejecting too many connections and the only
> cure is to restart both the server and the client).
> vdr 1.3.10, mandrake 10.

Well restarting vdr wouldn't be much of a problem. I have tried now restarting 
the whole vdr machine and that worked. I did not have any message indicating 
that there is an error. Shorter: restarting vdr didn't help including 
reloading the driver did not help, reboot the machine however did help :
( We'll see how often this appears :)  And i will see if i can reproduce it 
by selecting explicit an encrypted channel and try another one afterwards. 

Has someone here a script to generate a html page out of the channels.conf so 
i could just point on the channel i want ? If not that shouldn't be to 
hard ... 

And another problem: xmms shows the station name of radiostations, but it 
sounds terrible, totem sounds good, but does not show the station name. Is 
there an other app that is usable ? Or can the sound of xmms be fixed 
somehow ? 

Ah and is the streamdev plugin in active development ? I mean is there a 
chance that these things will get fixed sometimes ? 

Thanks for your feedback Luca :)


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