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[vdr] Re: Lauching cOsdObject from within a submenu

Thank you for the answer!
I've already done it like that today :))
It was hard to find a plugin that does this kind of thing, but I found the
game plugin which does it very well and I apply it to mine
Thanks again!!

-----Message d'origine-----
De : []De la part de
Sascha Volkenandt
Envoyé : jeudi 17 juin 2004 22:10
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Objet : [vdr] Re: Lauching cOsdObject from within a submenu

Am Mittwoch, 16. Juni 2004 22:36 schrieb Maynard Cedric:
> I'm trying to launch an cOsdObject from within a submenu like when lauchin
> an Osd from the cOsdObject *MainMenuAction of a plugin (like the osddemo
> plugin)
> So I try making a cOsdItem("Launch my osd",osUser2) in my menu
> But I can't figure out what to write in the ProcessKey ...
> I can't "return new cMyOSD" because ProccessKey wait for an eOSState
> ..
> if I make an "new cMyOSD; return state;", the menu does'nt close, and the
> ProcessKey is still active on the menu, not in MyOSD ...
> And if I make an "new cMyOSD; return osEnd;" it closes everything....
> I'm stuck so I wonder if it is even possible....
> Is It??? and if it is... how?

Yes it is. If you return osPlugin from ProcessKey, then MainMenuAction will
called again just after VDR closed the menu. Set a flag somewhere to tell
MainMenuAction whether to return the new OsdMenu, or the new OsdObject.
That's how all plugins do it.


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