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[vdr] Re: Feature Request: EPG scan timer

> > BTW: SCAN is only available in VDR 1.3.2 and later.
> That's finally a good reason to upgrade to 1.3.x... :)

I use a small script which does a loop over " CHAN $i". This
works nicely within a 1.2.6 envirment. This script is started if VDR is
performing an automatic shutdown. This could be detected within the
shutdown script. How exactly is described in the Manuals. So I have a
Timer started every morning at 5h with Priority 0. The min Priority for
the main Device is set to 1 so VDR will not do realy a recording. 

He just switches on. With the end of the timer VDR performs an automatic
shutdown. Within this shutdown my small script is started. After the
loop ofer all channels I turn off VDR from this script with sending a
" HITK POWER". This is not an automatic shutdown so the loop
over all channels is not done twice and VDR gets sleeping. With nvram
the next wakeup is down for the next timer which is a realy one or the
next "EPG Scan Timer" on 5h at the next day. 


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