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[vdr] Re: Deinterlacing

Hi Klaus,

> Reinhard Walter Buchner wrote:
> > 
> > ...
> > Adding a digital
> > transmission path to the DVB output stage won't change this root
> > problem. HDTV, once introduced, will change some of this, but our
> > beloved FF cards (actually the AV711x chip) can't handle HDTV,
> > causing it to crash. So we will need to rely on Convergence or
> > some other company to write a firmware for newer, HDTV capable,
> > DVB-S cards. I don't know if *that* will ever happen.
> _Are_ there any "full featured" DVB-S cards yet that actually support
> HDTV replay?

No, not that I know of. Since in Europe all we have are test channels,
I don't think any manufacturer has even considered making a HDTV
capable settop box, let alone a DVB card for a PC. I really have NO
idea what is taking Europe so long to introduce HDTV. I guess TV
stations are still reluctant to pay for the increased bandwidth that
HDTV transponders are going to slurp. I figure on some five years
at least before stations like PRO-7 or ARD/ZDF will be starting
HDTV. PPV will probably introduce them sooner at an increased
subscription price.

Sorry I have been keeping a bit quiet. It's simply the lack of
time and work on my home theater. Oh yes and then there
is this girl....... But I'm still following the list and some of the
new stuff looks really exciting ;o))


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