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[vdr] Re: vdr-mp3-0.9.1, vdr-1.3.11 and vdr-xine-0.4.0 bug?


Jouni Karvo wrote:

I am not sure if it is the xine-0.4.0 or vdr-1.3.11 but currently
mp3-0.9.1 mp3-player runs silently through the mp3 files, the progress
bar can be viewed OK, but it just runs very fast and no sound.

With xine-0.3.4 and vdr-1.3.10 the mp3-0.9.1 plugin was OK, even
though the end of recordings was cut off.
Just blame xine-0.4.0 :-(

Please open xineDevice.c, locate the following function and comment out the first if statement completely.

int cXineDevice::PlayVideo(const uchar *Data, int Length)
/* if (Length >= 4)
if (0x00 == Data[ 0 ]
&& 0x00 == Data[ 1 ]
&& 0x01 == Data[ 2 ]
&& 0xbd == Data[ 3 ])
static char anim[] = "Oo._.o";
static unsigned int cnt = 0;

fprintf(stderr, "\b%c", anim[ cnt++ ]);
if (cnt >= (-1 + sizeof (anim)))
cnt = 0;

// a private stream is not intended to be sent this way.
return Length;
} */

I'll try to find a better solution for release 0.4.1. I've added the code to work around an issue of vdr-dvd: for any reason, some audio streams are fed to both functions PlayAudio() and PlayVideo(), which confuses xine and leads to stuttering video playback.

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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