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[vdr] Re: Black Border on BBC TV sport transmissions

On 24 Jun 2004, at 18:24, Darren Salt wrote:

I demand that Brian Dorling may or may not have written...

So it really looks as if they are sending a black border.
They are. There may be something else in the stream which indicates this, but
I doubt it; I see a black border even on my TV (4:3, with a DVB-T STB).
They are sending a signal to indicate the format - an AFD.

For no good reason, the BBC and five have their DVB-T output always
set to 16:9. If there is any 4:3 material, they 'pillar-box' it, and
use an AFD to indicate that it's really 4:3. Of course, you lose
resolution by doing this, as the black bars take up pixels.


Also: msg00552.html

On DVB-S, the BBC and five manage with the standard 4:3 and 16:9
signals, so I don't understand why they felt the need to do their
own thing for DVB-T - particularly as ITV and Channel 4 cope.

If you use the Dxr3 plugin, there is a patch set for the Dxr3 driver
and VDR plugin which recognises the AFDs, and zooms the picture


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