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[vdr] Re: J2 pins to RGBS

Yes, you are right of course. I did use pin 10, but I erroneously reported it as pin 9 in my mail (I used pin 9 on the other end of the flat ribbon cable with a db9 connector).
I have also found out that I might need some electronic components to get this RGB working, according to

Oliver Endriss <> wrote:
On Samstag, 16. Oktober 2004 12:14, andre haug wrote:
> I have made a cable myself using the J2 pins 1,3,5,7, and 9 to make a RGBs cable. However I don't get any picture in vdr. My plasma screen says "caution - out of range".
> Have anybody ever tried something like this -- hooking up the dvb card to a plasma or projector using the RGB signals from j2?

Hm, pin 9 is the infrared input. Ground is on pin 10.


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