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[vdr] Re: VDR commits ritual suicide on HD signal to FF card

Michal Dobrzynski a écrit :
P.S. Wouldn't it be interesting if VDR used the gstreamer framework? It could ship with some standard graphs that implement things virtually as they are and also have the flexibility to allow users to have any sort of source + processing + sink combination.
That would imply dropping support for feature-fixed FF card, and allow seamless play of Divx, MP3, Goom vizualization, network-friendly core, client-server architecture, added to the strong OSD, channels, timers, etc. support of VDR...
The ultimate networked set-top-box !

> And then I woke up and realized that it probably won't ever happen :/

It's just a matter of feature-list + reviews + arguments + time...


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