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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] vdr-xine-0.5.2 plugin

Hi, wrote:

I always run xine with -r 4:3 (and a fixed screen size:800x600) to
force it to use a 4:3 aspect ratio.
Most of the time we're not annoyed by the stretched picture, when we
are i toggle the aspect ratio.
I've just tried that yesterday. The problem is that xine's OSD is blended into the original video frame. So I cannot render the OSD at the same size as for a 4:3 image as I cannot access the black bars on top and bottom.

But you might want to try the "expand" post processing plugin. It adds black bars on top and bottom by allocating a larger frame than the stream is coded in. Then I can access the black bars and show the OSD in original size without any further changes.

To give it a try just go to post processing dialog and add the "expand" plugin and then the "vdr" plugin. A further advantage will be that you wont even have to toggle the apect ratio as the plugin takes care to convert 16:9 into 4:3 while keeping 4:3 as 4:3.

BTW: If post processing plugins "expand" and "vdr" are in the wrong order then you wont see any effect on the OSD.

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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