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[vdr] Re: Interlacing

Nicolas Huillard wrote:
Tony Houghton a écrit :

sees it as a 25Hz or 50Hz mode, but I think it's the latter, in which
case I suppose it would have to provide the user with an option to force
it to sync to even or odd frames IYSWIM.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

I've been told DirectFB does a better job to provide sync signals to software. First check Voodoo3 support in DirectFB, check if the drivers provide sync interupts, then try xine over DirectFB, or softdevice.
I think the "official" DirectFB output in xine is currently still broken, but there is a working sample written by Claudio Ciccani, one of the DFB devs, in DirectFB-extra (CVS, also needs DirectFB cvs and pretty recent xine-lib I guess).

While talking about softdevice and DirectFB, last night I managed to get it working on my TV, by forcing the layer selection in the softdevice source code. Nicolas, I understood you are also dealing with softdevice/DFB for some time, I'd like to ask you few things:
If my graphic card's crtc2 layer (Matrox G400) says it supports changing of the field parity, shouldn't that improve tearing artifacts on faster movements and for example, on gliding text in news tickers or movie credits? How does it behave on your hardware?
For now, I only managed to display both the video, and the OSD on the same layer. The Matrox G400 DH also has a sub-picture layer which could alpha-blend the OSD in hardware, but it doesn't work in the pixelformats offered by sofdevice. It only works with YUY2 for me, on the same layer with the video (therefore, a bit too CPU-intense). What is supposed to be transparent in the OSD anyway, just the gray area, or the yellow stuff in ST:TNG or the colored buttons, too? I can see the video only through the grey OSD background, and it looks good, I don't think it uses the dithering trick Stefan Lucke added lately on torgeir Veimo's suggestion.

Anyway, there are still some things that need to be improved with softdevice/DFB, but after what I've seen last night on TV, I like it!


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