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[vdr] Re: vdr with vdr-xine : "Restart" does not restart VDR

Reinhard Nissl a écrit :
Nicolas Huillard wrote:

The problem : when I use the VDR menu to restart VDR (in order to reload the DVB kernel modules), VDR does no stop, with the following syslog trace :
I have no problem here with restarting VDR 1.3.14. Maybe some plugin behaves odd. Please start just with the vdr-xine plugin and check the restart issue.

By finally adding one plugin after another you'll find the one that behaves odd.
The problem was patch-related : Darren Salt's Debian packages come with a lot of patches, and I didn't check if they were all deapplied. I thought they were, but it was not the case (Debian packagers beware : make clean before modifying 00list, or something like this).
The problem come from one of the following patches (Darren Salt's 1.3.12) :



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