Annotation of dsmcc-mhp-tools/README, revision 1.3

1.1       mass        1: # README file for dsmcc-mhp-tools
1.3     ! mass        3: MPEG2 elementary stream encoder tools for DSM-CC MHP ObjectCarousels.
1.1       mass        4: 
1.3     ! mass        5: Currently, ObjectCarousel-, NPT-stream-, Stream-Event-, AIT- and PMT-
        !             6: generation are implemented. Incremental ObjectCarousel/(P)SI updates
        !             7: will follow soon (TM).
1.1       mass        8: Instead of passing arguments to the commandline-tools, an abstract
                      9: language will be needed to let people describe/(re-)define what they
                     10: do want to broadcast/update. This textual representation gets read in
                     11: then and will make the generation much easier.
                     13: Next, if all these sub-tools get fully implemented, the aim is to write
                     14: an additional tool which merges all these tools together into one and
                     15: so generates a full-featured (TM) stream-set which will include one or
1.3     ! mass       16: multiple ObjectCarousels/Applications supporting updates and multiple
1.1       mass       17: NPT-timebases, referenced by all the required (P)SI-Information, i.e.
                     18: PMTs and AITs.
                     19: Due to the real-time broadcast nature of Stream-Events, these get never
                     20: included in the streams, you'll have to provide them in real-time, too.
                     22: Most probably, also a DirectFB-GUI interface will be available in future,
                     23: which will make stream-generation easy by clicking what you want together.
                     25: Please read additional information in each tool's own README.
                     27: If you get some questions or want to request features, please feel free
                     28: to email me to one of the addresses listed in the AUTHORS file.
                     30: But, please also note that I'm developing all that on my own and,
                     31: additionally, in my spare time, so... you know what I mean ;))
                     32: Marek ^.^

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