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Re: vdr005-slow-motion-patch ;-)
Guido Fiala wrote:
> Hallo,
> had just nothing better to do (really nice code, Klaus :-)
> Here is the patch for VDR to do slow-motion-playback.
> If you are in replay-mode and press "Red" it toggels the behaviour
> of the left/right-keys between fast and slow.
> Much better would be hitting left/right in pause-Mode goes to slow
> forward/backward and in play-mode goes to fast-forward/backward (i think this is
> impossible with current Replay-class-layout, the blue button should go just
> to pause, not to stop).
> Another useful thing would be reading the config's out of
> "~/.vdrrc-*" files instead of current directory and also not hard-coding
> "/video" - can easily be done there too.
> Should i send such things just to you, Klaus?
Absolutely! However, I'm afraid I won't be able to add these things
immediately, because I want to release vdr 0.6 today and am already
running out of time (again...).
I'll take a look at your patch later these days.
Klaus Schmidinger Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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