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[linux-dvb] Re: VDR 0.80pre4

> - Apparently the video block vs. picture frame syncronization has been
>   fixed in the latest CVS driver version (2001-05-05), so it seems
>   feasible to used that driver version.

I'm still using VDR 0.80pre3 and after there didn't seem to be any feedback
from the driver developers last week, I just gave the latest CVS version a
try this morning. The problems are indeed gone, the latest CVS works with
VDR 0.80pre3, too.

> - There are still occasional segfaults, especially when recording on
>   one DVB card and changing channels on another card, or in transfer
>   mode. These segfaults apparently occur in the 'poll()', 'select()' or
>   'ioctl()' functions. My current assumption is that there is either

According the gdb's backtrace, the recent segfaults I have had (only 2-3
since last weekend), were all in the DVB code, not in VDR's code. There
either is something wrong with the driver or the way VDR uses it but since
all crashes occured when I wasn't near my TV I cannot say for sure what
caused the crash. All I can say is that VDR only crashed during EPG scan
(channel switching) and during recording (but there, it only crashed right
after starting a new recording, never in the middle of it).

> - Sometimes video and audio are out of sync, even if a channel is viewed
>   'live'. I have no idea where this could come from, must be a driver
>   problem!?

I noticed that this morning, too, when I tried to use the latest CVS driver.
I think it was on ZDF. I always thought that audio sync problems cannot
occour on the live picture because the data is sent directly to the tv-out?!


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