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[linux-dvb] Re: Recording Problems / EPG in VDR

Robert Simons wrote:
> Hi,
> Most of the time, when i try to record something under Linux,
> The pictures jerks along and i have flickers in the
> lower half of the tv-screen.
> I use dvb-0.9-20010428 and vdr-0.8pre3
> (but the problem also occurred with a test program of the driver)
> on a PII 350MHz machine.
> Under Windows recordings are ok.

We're all hoping that the new driver will once become at least as 
good as the old one... ;-)

> EPG:
> In VDR i only get the EPG Information for the channels on the same
> Transponder as the channel selected before startup of VDR.

If you have only _one_ DVB card you can only get the EPG data from the
current transponder. If you switch through the various channels the
EPG data of the different transponders will be collected and will be 
available later. After 5 hours of inactivity from the remote control
VDR will start an automatic scan for the EPG data.


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