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[linux-dvb] Re: trying to get dvb and vdr to work wrote:
> hello,
> i have a wintv dvb-s card with common interface, a duron 750mhz pc with
> a linuxfromscratch 2.4.2 kernel/gcc 2.95.2/glibc 2.1.3/xfree4.0.2 system, and
> i try to get this to run.
> i compiled and installed the siemens-dvb-0.8.2 package, and lsmod shows
> the dvb module chain. Also in my kernel.log and sys.log the driver seems to
> initialize the card without a single error or warning.
> Then i wanted to get a tv picture. My sat-dish is pointing to hotbird,

The default channel that is set when the driver is loaded is 'n-tv' on Astra.
Also, the channels defined in VDR's 'channels.conf' are thos of Astra. So since
your dish is pointed to Hotbird that will probably be the reason why you don't
get any picture.

Do you get the OSD when running VDR? If you press the "Menu" button on the
remote control (assuming you have configured one) you should see the VDR
"Main" menu. Go to the "Cannels" menu, press "New" and define a channel
that is broadcast on Hotbird. Then switch to that channel.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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