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[linux-dvb] Re: Samba and VDR

Jens Groth wrote:
> Hello,
> as I finally managed to get samba running, I still have a problem:
> - On my windows machine (W98) I see /videos (reiserfs) and could connect to
> it.
>   But when I try to enter the subdirectories I only see a blank screen.
>   I believe this is caused by the colon ":" in the filename. When I change
>   this manually eveything is OK.
> - I recompiled VDR 0.71 with option "VFAT=1". But still the same result.
> How do I solve this problem?

The VFAT=1 switch only changes the way VDR *creates* directories.
Once the directories are there and contain a ':', you'll need to
rename them manually and change the ':' to a '.'.


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