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[linux-dvb] Re: another patch for remote control with rev 2.1

Ralph Metzler schrieb:
> Matthias Hilbig writes:
>  > Here is another patch for the remote control delivered with rev 2.1.
>  > Because I think vdr should use ir in this case directly and not through
>  > LIRC I added 6 ioctls to the dvb-driver and changed vdr to use these
>  > calls.
>  >
>  > It should be possible to write a LIRC-Interface with these calls, too.
>  > I don't know how the driver developers wanted the ir-interface if they
>  > wanted one.
> I already included the LIRC patch by Christoph Martin in the last
> CVS version. Since LIRC is well established and automatically
> provides control for many other Linux applications, a solution
> specific to the DVB API is not such a good idea.
> But your patch is better in some other aspects (e.g. buffering of
> events). Maybe the two patches can be combined without too much work.
> Ralph

Do you mean by "well established and ..." that you are not willing to
support the built-in ir connector of the dvb-s card? I wouldn't like
to have an additional piece of hardware on the vdr box, whereas the
original connector isn't used at all.

Regards, Ingo

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