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[linux-dvb] Re: [vdr] Re: Re: Bad news (summary)

Henning Holtschneider writes:
 > Martin Springer wrote:
 > > considering using it for their standards. Due to the GNU license, our
 > > Open Source projects will definitely survive, whatever happens to the
 > > company convergence who made it possible.
 > Will your developers continue to work on their projects or is everything
 > halted until you find new investors? A lot of work had been done to improve
 > the DVB-t support recently, but everything stopped about four weeks ago. At
 > first I hoped your are preparing for a "Merry Christmas" driver update
 > (remeber, Szymon promised better CA support in November ;-) but now it seems
 > everyone is waiting to get paid before he submits changes to the CVS :-(
 > Can you publicly comment on Convergence's chance of survival?

We are just taking the rest of this years vacation days. We still had
a lot left. So it has been a little quiet. We haven't held anything
back, but not knowing what is going to happen kind of dampens the
motivation. So, CA support will still take some time. I doubt it will
be GPL, though.
As to the chances, I can't say anything because I don't know. AFAIK
management is talking to investors, but we will have to wait and see
how that turns out. There is an interview with our CEO at 


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