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[linux-dvb] Re: Tuning problem

Stefan Norberg writes:
 > Ralph Metzler writes:
 > > > I'm also surprised by the uninterest from both Techonotrend and the
 > driver
 > > > developers at Convergence to fix this or even to provide input or hint
 > > > on this issue.
 > >
 > > AFAIR, Technotrend never cared about Linux drivers at all. I
 > > never received any information about their hardware from them.
 > > (This is true for ALL card manufacturers except Siemens.)
 > > So, why are you surprised now?
 > I am really surprised because said
 > that
 > the TT DVB-C card was *supported* (not "it might work") until I sent the
 > burning
 > tourch mail to the list...

Actually, only mentions the
Siemens card (also before your mail). The Techontrend DVB-C card 
was only mentioned at 
I now corrected this page. Sorry, I really did not know that the revision
2.1 TT DVB-C card does not work. I still would like to know if there
is and older TT DVB-C version and if this one does work.


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