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[linux-dvb] devfs_register(video0): could not append to parent, err: -17


Since(?) upgrtad to kernel 2.4.17 i get sometimes: 

Jan  8 11:30:02 msi kernel: dvb0: AV7111 - firm f0240009, rtsl b0250018, vid 71010068, app 00010002
Jan  8 11:30:02 msi kernel: devfs: devfs_register(video0): could not append to parent, err: -17
Jan  8 11:30:04 msi kernel: dvb1: AV7111 - firm f0240009, rtsl b0250018, vid 71010068, app 00010002
Jan  8 11:30:04 msi kernel: devfs: devfs_register(video0): could not append to parent, err: -17
Jan  8 11:30:05 msi kernel: dvb: 2 dvb(s) found!
Jan  8 11:30:06 msi vdr[522]: VDR version 0.99 started
Jan  8 11:30:06 msi vdr[522]: loading /video/setup.conf
Jan  8 11:30:06 msi vdr[522]: loading /video/channels.conf
Jan  8 11:30:07 msi vdr[522]: loading /video/timers.conf
etc. (VDR laoding)

but it ends in a black screen.
(I don't know if that message and the problem really belongs together,
but something seem to be wrong..)

I see the NTV lightning, but after VDR starts, the screen 
becomes black and stays black. But the OSD of VDR works
and EPG is shown.

Rainer---<=====>                         Vertraulich
         <=====>--------------ocholl, Kiel, Germany ------------

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